The push for Women's rights started with the right to vote. by 1975 129 countries had given women the right to vote. However,  this was merely the tip of the Iceberg, and women had a long way to go before they would begin to have almost the same rights as men. The next step was Birth control, by the late 1960s almost all women had access to birth control, making the key difference that they were now in charge of pregnancy, and more importantly weather or not to start a family with their partner. Schooling and education followed, giving women more and more power, and making them closer to men and more equal. Jobs were still an issue however, and women were getting paid consistently less than men at work, even for doing the same jobs. This was known as Pink Collar Syndrome. In 1966 the next big step was taken when the National Organization of Women was created. They tried to get laws changed and amended and made huge progress for women in america. Finally, the government changed the laws that prohibited abortion and made it possible for women to be completely in control of pregnancy.

In 1952 the UN tried to get rid of the apartheid system by condemning it. This had little value so they backed it up with economic sanctions, however  the lack of support from some of the important countries prevented this from working. The in the 1980s the called the system a crime against humanity. During the apartheid, pass laws were in effect. Pass laws declared that colored people could not go anywhere without their reference books, and the laws limited where they could go and said they had to declare where they ere going all the time. Nelson Mandela became the leader of the African National Congress. In 1960 there was a colored protest outside of a police station. This ended in bloodshed when the police shot down 67 of the demonstrators. In response to this the government said that police could arrest without reason so that they would not have another massacre like this again. The attempt at keeping down violence however, was short lived. in 1976, students were massacred for protesting being taught in only Afrikaans and not being able to learn their native languages. This inspired an uproar of protest and hatred between blacks and whites. After his laws were passed making blacks and whites more equal, the apartheid ended, and in 1994 Mandela was elected.

Ghnadi used the teqniche of peaceful resistance and pacifism to drive the government and the people in the way he wanted. He was the leader of the Indian Congress Party, which believed that Hindus and Muslims should live in an independent India. India was being run by the British, who had control of thier finance, trade, law, and almost everything else. Gandhi's most famous protest was called the salt march. The purpose of the protest was to go against British taxes on salt. Gandhi along with the thousands that followed his lead, marched 240 miles to the sea to get the salt. This became a symbol to the people that it was time for India to get their Independence. This march also drew world support and put the eyes of the world on India and to giving to their cause. The reason all this worked however was because of Gandhi's perfect style of protesting. He was in and out of prison constantly, and when in prison would not complain or fight it but refuse to eat, once he started to starve to death, they let him out. This non violent, peaceful way of protesting showed people that he was fighting for a good cause and should be followed.
Three Kings is a movie featuring Mark Wahlburg, George Cloony and Ice Cube as three soldiers who find a map to stolen Kuwait Gold in a guys ass. The gold is in a a bunker just outside a small town fairly near to where they are. They set out on the journey to find the gold but on the way, they come across a group of people attempting to fight Saddam's Army. according to the rules of combat, they are not allowed to fire upon these people unless in self defense. however, when they watch a mother get killed in front of her daughter, they start shooting. this causes them to be chased by Saddam's army. After their convoy is destroyed rebel troops give them aid. The rebels just ask for some of the gold and to be taken across the border. The Three troops agree, and take them to the border. as they are crossing, they get arrested and the Rebels are imprisoned, in an intense climax the troops convince their prisoners to help the Rebels cross and then return almost all the gold to Kuwait. 

The conflict between Iran and Iraq started when the Shiite revolution occurred in Iran and the Shah was replaced by Ayatollah Khomeini. This angered Saddam Hussein greatly, as he was the Sunni leader.  The Kjomeini hated Americans therefore the USA supported Iraq.  Due to fear that the revolution would eventually break out in Iraq, a war broke out. This war was over religion, and in 1988 the UN stoped the revolution and formed a treaty. Saddam Hussein feared  the spread of Shiite Islam and killed many Kurds and Shiites who were living in his own country. In 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait which forced  the USA to place sanctions on Iraq to pull out. A coalition was formed against Iraq and 30 countries joined, they believed that if Israel joined the coalition, they would lose some of the Arab support. Saddam fired Missiles at the Isrealis because he thought that he could scare them. This started the conflict, and it was completely due to religion.

The First outcome was the Suez Crisis, When the Canal was nationalized, it switched power from French, to British, to Russian and the Finally to American. The US then had to threaten to cut off their oil supply if the other countries did not back out. Then there was the Six Days War. This was when Nasser Forced UN peacekeeping forces out of the Suez Canal.The Egyptians tried to attack Israel by getting close to their border but the Israelis attacked first with the help of intelligence that knew Egypt's plan to invade. The war lasted 6 days, and it consisted of taking over Sinai peninsula, Golan Heights, and West Bank. The USA then was compelled to step in and stop what was happening. The Egyptians then planned another attack on he Jewish Holiday of Yom Kapur. This was surprising and disrespectful  but when the US sent aid to Israel the war ended. This Further helped Israel because they then held the Camp David Accords, which brought peace to Israel and Egypt. 

France and Britain divided the territories into mandates; this was known as the Sykes-Picot agreement. This was mainly to get oil and to focus on the Suez Canal which was the shortcut through Egypt to get to Asia. This  caused a lot of tension within the Middle East, and just made things worse for everyone. The other main cause was the Balfour Declaration which was an agreement in 1917 by the British to set up a Jewish homeland in Palestine. They also promised the Arabs independence in the region. By promising people virtually the same thing, you will usually cause a conflict, and this was no different; and so began the of the Arab-Israeli conflict. After the Holocaust, many Jews left Germany and migrated to Israel. After hearing  about the Arabs plan to attack, the Jews attack the Arab League countries and won territory from the partition. The UN's intention of creating world peace was a complete disaster in this situation, The UN was more successful in causing a war make everyone happy just resulted in a war.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    April 2013

